Living a Lifestyle of Prayer, Part 4: Connecting with God Throughout the Day

If you haven’t read Part 1-3, don’t miss out.

Living a lifestyle of prayer is cultivated through spending undistracted time alone with God each day. It also means continuing to fellowship with Him throughout our day. We can keep abiding in Christ throughout the day, abiding in His love.

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”

John 15:4 (NKJV)

How can we walk this out?

It’s as simply as turning your thoughts and heart to God for 3-5 seconds at various times throughout the day. This could be at the top of each hour, on daily breaks at work or school, or when switching between tasks. These seemingly tiny moments throughout each day can help us build our connection with God on even the busiest days.

The psalmist expressed, “Seven times a day and all day long do I praise You because of Your righteous decrees” (Psalm 119:164 AMPC).

Tip: Set daily reminders on your phone to “connect up with God” to get a jump start on this practice.

Every moment can become an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus if we use it. We can take short moments to give praise, thanks and prayer to the Lord throughout our days.

As we stay faithful to engage with God in this way, talking to Him daily will become our new normal. Read on for ideas for what to do when connecting with God in these short moments.

Practical Ideas for Quick Connection Moments with God

1. Express thanks or love to God.

Example: “Thank You for revealing Your kindness to me” or “I love Your ways of kindness in how You correct me.” You can say this to God in your mind/heart if other people are nearby.

2. Pray for yourself.

Example: “God, help me follow Your Spirit’s leadership today” or “Father, show me more about Your love for me.”

3. Pray for someone else.

Example: “Father, our manager seems to be having a stressful day. Release Your strength and peace to him. Reveal Your joy to him despite any challenges before him.”

4. Speak, pray and meditate on a Scripture verse.

Walk It Out: Make note of a Scripture in your quiet time, or from a song or sermon you’ve heard. Ponder (meditate) on the words or theme, talking to God about it. Paraphrase it into your own words and think of other related verses. Pray it over yourself. Pray it for someone else or share it with them as an encouragement via text, email or in person.

5. Make use of waiting and travel time.

Walk It Out: On your commute, sing or pray to the Lord (when you can do so without being distracted if you are the driver). If you are using public transportation, listen to teachings or other messages through headphones.

6. Pray for the people around you or connected to items near you. Pray for those who will purchase goods or services offered at your business.

Walk It Out: Pray silently for those around you as you wait in long lines. Pray for product manufacturers, farmers, transport drivers, those mentioned in the magazines (no need to read them, God knows who they are!)

You could pray something like this: Father, bless each person here–customer and employee alike–with a heart to know You. Let all who take part in this business know they matter to You. Release dreams, divine appointments and encounters with You to those who need relationship with Jesus, that they might come to know Your love and truth.

The Lord loves to fellowship with us in our daily quiet time and to be involved in our day. Enter more deeply into the journey of walking and talking with Him as much as you can. Keep turning your attention to Jesus, pressing through distractions and the mundane day-to-day. He loves to do life with you, beloved!

2 thoughts on “Living a Lifestyle of Prayer, Part 4: Connecting with God Throughout the Day

  1. I like placing sticky notes in strategic locations (like kitchen cabinets and mirrors) so I’ll see them and be reminded to pray and connect as the day goes on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! This is a great way to provide reminders for ourselves, Shannon. I use to do this, but haven’t recently. I might just have to start again. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this tip and visiting my blog!


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