Come Matter Here by Hannah Brencher (Book Review)

Come Matter Here: Your Invitation to Be Here in a Getting There World by Hannah Brencher brings us an important message: “Be where your feet are.” Stay, go deep with others and make a difference where you are. Read on for some thoughts on this encouraging book.

We often tend toward spending our lives waiting for the next big thing, that call to a certain place or event in our lives. So few stay put and make a difference right where they are.

We can’t all go to the big ministry organization or other countries, and that’s okay because the place is not the point. Some of us have to stay and reach those around us right here, to build God’s Kingdom right where we are. Whether a small town or the big city, a tiny church or just our family, these people matter just as much.

Hannah reminds us to plant our roots, to stop running after the next big thing. It also confronts the way fear tries to hinder us in relationships and letting go. Instead, come and stay right here, plant your roots deep. Meaning in life and making a difference is right before us, even in the small and simple, not just in the next big thing.

It brings to mind the hopelessness that can set in if we tend toward thoughts such as, “When I get married…” or “when I have children…” and so forth. Those things come and we still find we aren’t fully satisfied for some reason, so we keep running after the next thing beyond that in a never ending cycle. This can cause us to miss the very life and people in front of us.

Hannah’s book calls us to be present in the moment we are living right now. She provokes us to invest in those in front of us, not waiting and waiting for the next best thing before we invest ourselves.

Our greatest meaning and purpose is found in our relationship with God and pouring out His love to those around us, even in the simple and seemingly small. Don’t buy the lie that bigger is always better.

Reading felt as if I was meeting a friend for coffee and sharing deep conversation. It’s all about getting deep about the issues of life, pushing past the surface small talk that often comprises our lives both online and off.

It is sharing both the good and the difficult things from every season of life, then sharing the wisdom we’ve gained with others. Even more, it’s staying with them as they walk it out, whatever may come.

The writings in this book brought much to the surface for me, and it’s bound to do so for you as well. It can help us realize where we’ve closed ourselves off, where we need to open our hearts and stop letting fear be our fuel. We can refuse the lies, set aside fear, and go deep with the people and community around us.

Hannah’s honest presentation of her struggles paints a vital backdrop for sharing real wisdom with the generations of today.

This book provoked me to go deeper with my own spiritual family and has grown my passion for seeing the Body of Christ get real with one another with honesty and authenticity. As a result, I experienced freedom from lies I believed that had affected me for most of my life. This is similar to what Hannah experienced as she refused to be fearful or to run, and planted herself in community with those around her.

As God’s Word says, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16 ESV).

Do not only read this book, let the experiences and wisdom within read you. Glean all the wisdom you can and set your heart to walk out living a deeper, authentic life with those around you.

Choose to go deep beyond surface living. Live and share in honesty—even at the risk of rejection—letting God love you through those around you. Trust God to protect your heart and come matter right where you are. A deeper, beautiful life is waiting!

You can purchase Come Matter Here on Amazon.

Disclaimer: I received a gifted copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions in this review are my own. Book reviews on this website do not mean the site creator/writer endorses or agrees 100% with everything an author writes, believes or stands for.

Come Matter Here by Hannah Brencher

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